Thursday, June 4, 2009

☺Tea Essentials☺

Ok So now that We've covered what herbs are best for relaxing, let me tell you the wonderful tools to have for a perfect tea-party for 1 or 2. (I like having tea with my daughter) Let's have a look-see..

I came across this gorgeous little gadget called Teaposy Blooming teas .
'Tis very interesting & actually says it's relaxing because once the tea brews, it turns into a flower! wow! Can we say must have! (I already have this on My wish list) :)


The next thing I love to have handy is a Tea infuser. One of the best places I like to go to is My local health food store & stock up on herbs so I can blend & make my own teas!

Of course what is tea without a teacup? I say buy yourself an extra special teacup or go to your Mom's house & take one from her china cabinet, an old one that may have some meaning. My Mother gave me some of My Grandmother's china & I use these teacups, which definitly makes My tea way special. :)
Here are some pictures of My special cups.

I love this tea cup, I have the plates, the plattter.etc. It is Johann Haviland Bavaria.:)

This other piece is also part of a collection, what I LOVE about this it's a teacup with a special platter plate so you can add goodies. I bought this at a yard sale.
Personally I don't like to sweeten My tea with sugar, I highly recommend Honey & if you've never tried flavored honey OR honey sticks you've been missing out! Promise me will will try these, I found the best deal for you here.
Last, but not least to truly enjoy a cup of relaxing tea, you must pick the perfect spot. Make a spot for yourself outside where you get the best scenery possible, or inside in the most peaceful place. Make a place for yourself where their are pictures of your loved ones, add fresh flowers, turn some relaxing music on, or sit at your computer & read this blog! :) tehehehe.

Here is My outdoor tea-time sunset, isn't it relaxing?